Low-E has been the premier highest quality reflective insulation on the market since the early 90's and continues to offer the best products with the highest quality and industry leading warranty
Low-E products are made in the USA with the highest quality USA sourced materials
With Low-E products you don't have to worry about replacing your insulation down the road. With all aluminum facing and their no glue heat laminated bonding process, Low-E will stand the test of time
Low-E can be used in all facets of the building industry where conventional insulation is used. It can be used alone or in conjunction with mass insulation for high R-systems.
Low-E House Wrap incorporates a closed cell polyethylene foam that is heat bonded to a pure aluminum reinforced facing and then perforated. This results in a housewrap that not only meets ICC requirements for weather resistant barriers but also adds insulation to the wall assembly of the home blocking up to 97% of radiant heat in the hot summer months. Better year round efficiency and comfort levels are achieved. It is installed just like your average housewrap and will satisfy 2012 IECC regulations for wall systems
Low-E Therma-Sheet Insulation has always offered the benefits of Low-E™ – an industry-leading thermal and moisture barrier - to the roofing industry. Now, Therma-Sheet has earned certification by the International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), meaning Therma-Sheet meets all requirements of a stand-alone roofing underlayment for the building industry. Because Therma-Sheet can now be used as a single underlayment product rather than part of a "sandwich" of products, it offers a more affordable means of energy efficiency to homeowners and reduces installation time and required materials.
SlabShield insulation was designed specifically for use under concrete slabs both with and without radiant heating products. It provides a vapor barrier and significant thermal performance. The product has a layer of 99% pure aluminum film sandwiched between two layers of closed cell polyethylene foam. SlabShield is not affected by the chemical reaction of curing concrete and does not crack or crumble when faced with normal job site abuses.
Low-E Attic Floor Insulation is perforated to allow moisture to escape from existing attic insulation. It is specifically designed to be rolled out on top of your attic floor, and because it is only 1/8” thick does not compress your mass insulation. This product will help keep your heating costs lower in the winter and cooling costs lower in the summer
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